Saturday, October 18, 2008

Breaking the Ice

If you know the title, you already know the story. I wish I had a picture to go along with this one! Anyway, this is about my first visit to my wife's home to meet the family. As you can imagine, it was a little nerve racking as it always is going to meet the parents-the ones who would scrutinize me and determine if I was a worthy suitor for their daughter. Floyd being in the Stake Presidency added to the pressure. I mean, I had interviews with him for callings before this.

So I got there and walked in the house. The whole family appeared to be there. Everyone seemed a little startled and jolted. Pam and I walked in, and I approached the family and introduced myself. As I looked to my right I noticed why everyone seemed to be a little on edge. There, in it's glory was Floyd's half moon to greet me (yes, I mean his bum).

Turns out Pam's naturopath brother-in-law Gary was giving Floyd acupuncture on his lower back that ended up being a little lower than he anticipated. So there lay President Rowe on the chiropractic table, pants pulled down just enough with some needles sticking up. Floyd just looked at me and said, "well, that's one way to break the ice!"

We all just laughed hysterically. That was my first introduction to the Rowe family humor, fun, and kindness. It was something I'll never forget. I don't remember it now, but I'm sure Jeanie was beat red. :)

1 comment:

lisa marie said...

That's alot the way Uncle Floyd was introduced to the Booher family! He came to a family picnic where they were playing volleyball. Uncle Ben (Aunt Jeanie's brother)lunged for a ball and ripped his pants all the way up the back seam. No awkwardness though, he just tied a beach towel around his waist and kept playing! I love your post Anthony.--Lisa